Johann Michael Seligmann (1720-1762)

Johann Michael Seligmann (1720-1762)

Johann Michael Seligmann (1720-1762)

Johann Michael Seligmann: The beak of the Flemish Keratophyton fruticis Specie Nigrum of natural size

Etching : Johann Seligmann beak Keratophyton



Johann Michael Seligmann (1720-1762)

Johann Michael Seligmann: The beak of the Flemish Keratophyton fruticis Specie Nigrum of natural size

Etching : Johann Seligmann beak Keratophyton

Proof on beautiful laid paper with magnificent central watermark at the crown, enhanced with colors of the time. Margins. This is an engraving inspired by a drawing of the Englishman Mark Catesby (1683-1749).

Dimensions of the leaf : H. 345 mm x W. 245 mm. Dimensions at the cupper mark : H. 305 mm x W. 225 mm.

Johann Seligmann beak Keratophyton  : Johann Michael Seligmann (1720-1762) was a German artist and engraver. Seligmann received his initial training in engraving and art at the Nürnberger Malerakademie and some of his early work included depictions of various rocks and minerals. His other works include the Opera Botanica 1754 written by Konrad Gesner. Many of his copper plates bear the initials JMS. Our artist is best known for his engraving work done between 1749 and 1776. He engraved Catesby’s drawings for the ornithological collection “Sammlung Verschiedener Auslandischer un Seltener Vogel” (Collection of various foreign and rare birds), published in Nurenberg.

Mark Catesby (1683-1749) is considered the father of American ornithology. His rare and magnificent work, The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and Bahama Islands, 1748-1754, was published in London in two folio volumes of 11 parts, each composed of 20 plates. Produced between 1731 and 1743, it is the first work to represent the flora and fauna of North America.


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