Category: News about prints

Vente en ligne d'estampes modernes et anciennes

Exhibition to see !

At the British Museum – The Art of Printmaking in Prague at the Court of Rudolph II – Exhibition from March 17 to August 28, 2022 The Roman Emperor Rudolph II, Prince of the House of Habsburg (Vienna, 1552 – Prague, 1612) was an avid collector and a knowledgeable patron of the arts. The exhibition,

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Exhibitions to see !

If there is an exhibition on printmaking to see this month, it is the exhibition presented in Paris by the Foundation Custodia and entitled ‘D’ABORD REGARDER’ CHARLES DONKER, from December 3, 2021 to April 3, 2022. The Foundation Custodia presents the work of the artist Charles Donker (born in 1940 in Utrecht, Netherlands). His technique

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The invention of vellum paper in the 18th century (part 2)

Baskerville’s work and fine achievements, however, remain unknown to most of his typographer contemporaries, with the exception of Bodoni in Parma. Jean-Baptiste Bodoni (Saluces, 1740- Parma, 1813) arrived in Parma in February 1768 to take over the management of the Ducal Printing House. It acquires in his hands a great notoriety attributed to the improvements

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